Megan Maher

Enough No More

Acrylic and pencils on Claybord

30” x 30”



Artist Statement

This series explores the emotional reactions regarding the concept of power. Particularly, an individual response to wanting to make change that alludes to the idea that words also have power. Such subtle or forceful displays can be seen in protest posters and graffiti, which represent personal feelings that create action.  

Interpreting abstract marks is intuitive, especially when context is limited or removed. The elements attach to one another, creating new forms. The connection to graffiti is made by the use of word and the idea of randomness from overlapping layers. Balancing the ambiguity are the rote squiggles and marks that are honed by these words. The fluid acrylics and watercolor pencils enhance the idea of random interactions. Repetitively painting and drawing the layers of mixed media create elemental environments whose interpretations are relative to the experiences of the viewer.  

This work takes advantage of our pervasive desire to make sense of the world around us. People’s intensity in wanting to revolutionize and transform versus maintaining status quo are referenced. The lines articulate the emotion that is needed to respond to power on both sides. It is a question of what moves people. After all, power is personal.  
Instagram: @meganmaherart 

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