Alice Whealin


Ink and watercolor (acrylics) on Fabriano HP watercolor paper.

20”h x 16”w



Artist Statement

I have been painting upon paper, wood and transparent materials since 2008. My works on paper have been made with acrylic ink and watercolors on Fabriano hot press paper. I develop each painting over several days, weeks or even longer, using a variety of direct painting techniques. I pour, paint freehand with a brush, a dropper and use other implements. Through my drawing process, beings playfully emerge from gestural application and pours of paint. My interests in international and popular cultures, literature, science, molecular and space photography flow into my content. Contemporary and world art, popular science articles, and sacred art forms are some of my influences and sources. Ancient devotional art, calligraphy, cartoons, graffiti, sculpture and textiles are also sources of inspiration.

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