Construction Work: New Sculpture by Mary Walker | Emerson Gallery

Baltimore artist Mary Walker will exhibit wall-hung constructions that combine imagery and concepts from natural science, mechanics and the landscape. Found objects such as cable, screws, nuts and bolts are combined with painting, referring to the processes of building and constructing. An interest in the dualities of gesture and geometry, the man-made and the natural and chance and intention is also a key concept.

Mary Walker, "Catenary Curve Series: Theme", mixed media
Mary Walker, "Catenary Curve Series: Theme", mixed media

Alice Kresse: Some Assembly Desired: The Printmaker as Jeweler | Atrium Gallery

Kresse will highlight the similar sensibilities inherent in her monoprints and handmade jewelry in an exhibition featuring both approaches. She also brings her long career in graphic design to bear on her work in printmaking, creating images that are poetic, carefully balanced and multilayered. The monoprint process allows her to construct a piece much as you would an object, building layer upon layer with image and atmosphere emerging from the space beyond.

Alice Kresse, "Oh Pink Grotesk", monoprint
Alice Kresse, "Oh Pink Grotesk", monoprint

Power Poles: Sculpture by Alonzo Davis | Ramp Gallery

Deeply influenced by his international travel experiences, Alonzo Davis makes freestanding, wall oriented and suspended sculpture. The imagery and energies of the American Southwest, Brazil, Haiti, West Africa and the Pacific Rim are all present in these works, combing bamboo, wood, paper, paint and LED lights.

Alonzo Davis
Alonzo Davis

This exhibitions are on display in our galleries at MPA@MCC from January 12 – March 4, 2017.

Opening reception: Thursday, January 12, 2017, 7 – 9pm

1234 Ingleside Avenue, McLean, VA 22101

Mon – Fri    10am – 4pm
Saturday     11am – 5pm

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