Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) and MPA have established a formal partnership with emphasis on MPA’s ArtReach program that provides exhibition tours and hands on art projects for elementary school students. Tours, conducted by professional art educators, demonstrate art principles and incorporate the concepts included in the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL). The gallery tour aspect of MPA ArtReach also includes free bus transportation to the galleries for Title 1 school students.
Through the MPA ArtReach program, the partnership also provides guest artists to conduct workshops at schools; bring artists-in-residence to students; offer programs designed to meet the needs of middle and high school special education classes; and provide exhibition space for the annual Youth Art Show in March, and for student artwork at MPAartfest, MPA’s outdoor fall arts festival.
FCPS informs schools and staff members about the services available from MPA, provides access for MPA representatives to meet with FCPS faculty, and work in tandem with MPA personnel to design and develop programs to meet the needs of FCPS students. A partnership steering committee meets annually to oversee and review all programs that fall under the partnership. Yearly program evaluations, based on stated goals and objectives are held in collaboration with FCPS and MPA representatives.